ScriptE for iPad: Getting Started


  • Set up a ScriptE Account
  • Delete demo files
  • Select a subscription

1. If you do not have a ScriptE User Account, tap THE ARROW next to CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT

2. Select a username and password. This does not have to be the same as your App Store username, but it might be a good idea.

Add a hint for password recovery as well your response to that hint.

Add your personal information.


3. Your account has been added to the ScriptE Server and you have been logged into the app.

Tap OK to proceed.

4. Depth Perception Sample and À ma mère (échantillon) are demo projects that you can use to play around with the app.

You can delete these at any point by following steps 5-8. If you do not want to delete these, proceed to step 9.

5. Grab the project file by HOLDING YOUR FINGER ON THE FOLDER - if it opens the file, you tapped it - and DRAGGING it. It will crumble up ->

6. Keep dragging the crumbled up file towards the BIN

7. When your finger is right on top of the bin, let go:

Alert: ALWAYS READ POP UPS and make sure that you select the right response!

9 times out of 10, a pop-up means that what you are about to do is something you cannot undo.

If you put a file in the bin, there is absolutely NO WAY of recovering it unless you have made a backup of the file somewhere else!

YES and NO are not always in the same position in ScriptE, and this is completely intentional to avoid autopilot answers to get rid of the pop-up, but this is not foolproof. Again: ALWAYS READ POP UPS!

8. Tap YES.

If you put a file in the bin, there is absolutely NO WAY of recovering it unless you have made a backup of the file somewhere else!

9. Now it´s time to select your subscription. Tap SUBSCRIBE.

10. Select which subscription you like. It will be displayed in your local currency. This price will include any local sales taxes as well.

Follow the prompts to actiate your subscription. These will look slightly different depending on your iPad model.

11. When your subscription is set up, it´s time to start working!

Jessica Liander

This article was written by Jessica Liander, ScriptE Certified expert user. Jessica is a seasoned script supervisor in film, HETV, and commercial industries. With over 14 years of experience and advanced training under industry legends, she is ready to give you insight in the ins and outs of all ScriptE Systems applications.

ScriptE for iPad: New Stand-Alone File