ScriptE Training
Master the Software with Expert Guidance

Level up your skills and unlock the true potential of ScriptE.

Whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, there is always something to learn. Get ScriptE Trained today.

One-on-one and Small Group Training with a ScriptE Certified Trainer is available now via Zoom. Tailor training to your specific needs and questions, from basic workflow to advanced. Learn the ins and outs and tip and tricks from a ScriptE Certified expert.

Upon successful completion of ScriptE training, you will receive a certificate confirming your status as ScriptE Trained. You will also be eligible to be listed on the ScriptE User Database with the designation ScriptE Trained.

Let producers and your peers know that you are officially ScriptE Trained.

Pricing Table - Page 2
One-on-one Training
  • Our ScriptE Certified trainers are highly experienced script supervisors and ScriptE users.
  • If you are new to ScriptE, we recommend no less than 3 hours of one-on-one training, to ensure that there is enough time to cover all the basics. These 3 hours can be broken up over several days.
  • If you are already a ScriptE user and want to learn more about best practices or just go over a few skills, you can book a shorter session.
  • After a minimum of 3 hours of one-on-one training, and demonstrating certain skills, you will have earned the designation of ScriptE Trained.
Small Group Training
  • Our ScriptE Certified trainers are highly experienced script supervisors and ScriptE users.
  • You can gather a small groups of up to 5 students to be trained in the same session by a single trainer. The price is $150 / hour for the whole group.
  • If you are new to ScriptE, we recommend no less than 5 hours of group training if you are more than 2 people, to ensure that there is enough time to cover all the basics. These hours can be broken up over several days.
  • After demonstrating certain skills, you will have earned the designation of ScriptE Trained.

Sign up for training!

Meet the Trainers

Tony Pettine
Jessica Liander

ScriptE Systems Founder
New Jersey, USA
Mac and iPad

Anthony “Tony” Pettine

Jessica Liander

ScriptE Certified
Somerset, UK
English | Swedish
Mac and iPad

Barbara Abelar
Alex Hill

ScriptE Certified
Paris, France | Toronto, Canada
English | French

Charles Jodoin-Keaton

Aurore Moutier

ScriptE Certified
Paris, France
English | French
Mac and iPad

Veronica Muliero
Monica Ochoa

ScriptE Certified
New York, USA
English | Spanish | Portugese
Mac and iPad

Veronica Muliero

Monica Ochoa

ScriptE Certified
California, USA
English | Spanish
Mac and iPad

ScriptE Certified
Louisiana & Alabama, USA
iPad Specialist

Barbara Abelar

ScriptE Certified
California, USA
Mac and iPad

Alexander B. Hill

Aurore Moutier
Charles Jodoin-Keaton