ScriptE for Mac: Convert V.2 file to V.3

1. Open "ScriptE S"

2. Click "File"

3. Click "Convert Version 2 File to Stand-Alone Project"

4. Select the file you want to convert. It should have the file extension .scripte

5. Click "Open"

6. Click "OK"

7. When the conversion is done, this message will appear. Click "OK"

8. The file automatically opens and now has the file extension .scriptess

Jessica Liander

This article was written by Jessica Liander, ScriptE Certified expert user. Jessica is a seasoned script supervisor in film, HETV, and commercial industries. With over 14 years of experience and advanced training under industry legends, she is ready to give you insight in the ins and outs of all ScriptE Systems applications.

ScriptE for Mac: Import Screenshots From Third Party Applications


ScriptE for Mac: Delete a Take